Social Ventures

AME Social Ventures supports the creation of businesses that bring about positive social change in a sustainable manner.

We are interested in investing in projects whose business objectives can meet key environmental and social issues and with a concrete and quantifiable social return on investment.

AME Social Ventures was launched in 2010 to engage in socially responsibility initiatives.
We consider the ventures that we have decided to support not only as simple investments that can generate a return, but also a way to encourage business oriented solutions that may contribute to improve life conditions amongst the socially neglected and in the most deprived areas of the world.

Areas of particular interest are the renewable energy, forestry, sustainable farming, food redistribution, health care and education.

Please send an executive summary of your proposal to

Current investments:

Behind Energy “The true cost of energy”

Behind EnergyBehind Energy is a site created to highlight the importance of the energy sector’s externalities.

Behind Energy aims to answer some simple questions, such as what the true costs of different energy sources are (not just their economic cost) or how much it actually costs to produce a barrel of oil or a kilowatt-hour of solar power. Behind Energy is a “hub” that collects news, research, reports and documents from international sources, all organised according a particular viewpoint: discovering the social, economic, environmental and civil impacts of energy policies.

Behind Energy is a blog too, offering an opportunity for open and transparent dialogue on the true costs of energy.